
Objectives module

probably worth defining the symbols here, or in another MD file

  • Voltages \(v_i\)
  • moments \(\phi_i = \phi_i(x, y, z)\)


Bases: Objective

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
class GradientObjective(Objective):
    def __init__(
        var: cx.Variable,
        trap: AbstractTrapModel,
        x: ArrayLike,
        y: ArrayLike,
        z: ArrayLike,
        ion: Ion,
        value: ArrayLike,
        entries: Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]] = None,
        pseudo: bool = True,
        norm: float = 1.0,
        weight: float = 1.0,
        constraint_type: Optional[str] = None,
        r"""Implements an Objective for the potential gradient generated by the trap electrodes

            $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{x} w(x)\left(v_i \frac{\partial_L \phi_i (x) - U(x)}{\mu} \right)^2. $$

            $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

            x,y,z (ArrayLike): $x$
                coordinates where to evaluate the potential. Must be broadcastable.
            ion (Ion)
                ion class
            value (ArrayLike): $U(x)$
                target potential
            entries (str, optional) $L$
                index or string selecting the derivative of interest.\
                This needs to be explained better.
            pseudo (bool, optional)
                select if to add the pseudopotential
            local_weights (ArrayLike, optional): $w(x)$
                position-dependent weight. If `None`, all weights are set to 1.
            norm (float, optional): $\mu$
                Charachteristic magnitude of the objective used to normalize the cost.
            weight (float, optional): $w$
                global weight of the cost term.
            constraint_type (str, optional):
                constraint string.

        super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
        self.trap = trap
        self.xyz = x, y, z
        self.ion = ion
        self.value = value
        self.pseudo = pseudo
        self.norm = norm
        self.entries = entries

    def objective(self):
        # resulting shape is (3, len(x))
        pot = self.var @ self.trap.dc_gradients(*self.xyz)
        if self.pseudo:
            pot += self.trap.pseudo_gradient(*self.xyz, self.ion.mass_amu)
        if self.entries is not None:
            pot = pot[get_derivative(self.entries)]
        diff = (pot - self.value) / self.norm
        cost = cx.multiply(self.weight, cx.sum_squares(diff))
        return cost

    def constraint(self):
        pot = self.var @ self.trap.dc_gradients(*self.xyz)
        if self.pseudo:
            pot += self.trap.pseudo_gradient(*self.xyz, self.ion.mass_amu)
        if self.entries is not None:
            pot = pot[get_derivative(self.entries)]
        return self._make_constraint(pot, self.value)

__init__(var, trap, x, y, z, ion, value, *, entries=None, pseudo=True, norm=1.0, weight=1.0, constraint_type=None)

Implements an Objective for the potential gradient generated by the trap electrodes

Cost $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{x} w(x)\left(v_i \frac{\partial_L \phi_i (x) - U(x)}{\mu} \right)^2. $$

Constraint $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

  • x,y,z (ArrayLike) –

    \(x\) coordinates where to evaluate the potential. Must be broadcastable.

  • value (ArrayLike) –

    \(U(x)\) target potential

  • local_weights (ArrayLike) –

    \(w(x)\) position-dependent weight. If None, all weights are set to 1.

  • norm (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    \(\mu\) Charachteristic magnitude of the objective used to normalize the cost.

  • weight (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    \(w\) global weight of the cost term.

  • constraint_type (str, default: None ) –

    constraint string.

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def __init__(
    var: cx.Variable,
    trap: AbstractTrapModel,
    x: ArrayLike,
    y: ArrayLike,
    z: ArrayLike,
    ion: Ion,
    value: ArrayLike,
    entries: Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]] = None,
    pseudo: bool = True,
    norm: float = 1.0,
    weight: float = 1.0,
    constraint_type: Optional[str] = None,
    r"""Implements an Objective for the potential gradient generated by the trap electrodes

        $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{x} w(x)\left(v_i \frac{\partial_L \phi_i (x) - U(x)}{\mu} \right)^2. $$

        $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

        x,y,z (ArrayLike): $x$
            coordinates where to evaluate the potential. Must be broadcastable.
        ion (Ion)
            ion class
        value (ArrayLike): $U(x)$
            target potential
        entries (str, optional) $L$
            index or string selecting the derivative of interest.\
            This needs to be explained better.
        pseudo (bool, optional)
            select if to add the pseudopotential
        local_weights (ArrayLike, optional): $w(x)$
            position-dependent weight. If `None`, all weights are set to 1.
        norm (float, optional): $\mu$
            Charachteristic magnitude of the objective used to normalize the cost.
        weight (float, optional): $w$
            global weight of the cost term.
        constraint_type (str, optional):
            constraint string.

    super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
    self.trap = trap
    self.xyz = x, y, z
    self.ion = ion
    self.value = value
    self.pseudo = pseudo
    self.norm = norm
    self.entries = entries


Bases: Objective

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
class HessianObjective(Objective):
    def __init__(
        var: cx.Variable,
        trap: AbstractTrapModel,
        x: ArrayLike,
        y: ArrayLike,
        z: ArrayLike,
        ion: Ion,
        value: ArrayLike,
        entries: Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]] = None,
        pseudo: bool = True,
        norm: float = 1.0,
        weight: float = 1.0,
        constraint_type: Optional[str] = None,
        r"""Implements an Objective for the potential gradient generated by the trap electrodes

            $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{x} w(x)\left(v_i \frac{\partial^2_L \phi_i (x) - U(x)}{\mu} \right)^2. $$

            $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

            x,y,z (ArrayLike): $x$
                coordinates where to evaluate the potential. Must be broadcastable.
            ion (Ion)
                ion class
            value (ArrayLike): $U(x)$
                target potential
            entries (str, optional) $L$
                index or string selecting the derivative of interest.\
                This needs to be explained better.
            pseudo (bool, optional)
                select if to add the pseudopotential
            local_weights (ArrayLike, optional): $w(x)$
                position-dependent weight. If `None`, all weights are set to 1.
            norm (float, optional): $\mu$
                Charachteristic magnitude of the objective used to normalize the cost.
            weight (float, optional): $w$
                global weight of the cost term.
            constraint_type (str, optional):
                constraint string.

        super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
        self.trap = trap
        self.xyz = x, y, z
        self.ion = ion
        self.value = value
        self.pseudo = pseudo
        self.norm = norm
        self.entries = entries

    def objective(self):
        nv = self.var.shape[-1]
        pot = self.var @ self.trap.dc_hessians(*self.xyz).reshape(nv, 9)
        if self.pseudo:
            pot += self.trap.pseudo_hessian(*self.xyz, self.ion.mass_amu).reshape(9)
        if self.entries is not None:
            pot = pot[get_derivative(self.entries)]
        diff = (pot - self.value) / self.norm
        cost = cx.multiply(self.weight, cx.sum_squares(diff))
        return cost

    def constraint(self):
        nv = self.var.shape[-1]
        pot = self.var @ self.trap.dc_hessians(*self.xyz).reshape(nv, 9)
        if self.pseudo:
            pot += self.trap.pseudo_hessian(*self.xyz, self.ion.mass_amu).reshape(9)
        if self.entries is not None:
            pot = pot[get_derivative(self.entries)]
        return self._make_constraint(pot, self.value)

__init__(var, trap, x, y, z, ion, value, *, entries=None, pseudo=True, norm=1.0, weight=1.0, constraint_type=None)

Implements an Objective for the potential gradient generated by the trap electrodes

Cost $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{x} w(x)\left(v_i \frac{\partial^2_L \phi_i (x) - U(x)}{\mu} \right)^2. $$

Constraint $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

  • x,y,z (ArrayLike) –

    \(x\) coordinates where to evaluate the potential. Must be broadcastable.

  • value (ArrayLike) –

    \(U(x)\) target potential

  • local_weights (ArrayLike) –

    \(w(x)\) position-dependent weight. If None, all weights are set to 1.

  • norm (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    \(\mu\) Charachteristic magnitude of the objective used to normalize the cost.

  • weight (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    \(w\) global weight of the cost term.

  • constraint_type (str, default: None ) –

    constraint string.

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def __init__(
    var: cx.Variable,
    trap: AbstractTrapModel,
    x: ArrayLike,
    y: ArrayLike,
    z: ArrayLike,
    ion: Ion,
    value: ArrayLike,
    entries: Union[int, str, List[Union[int, str]]] = None,
    pseudo: bool = True,
    norm: float = 1.0,
    weight: float = 1.0,
    constraint_type: Optional[str] = None,
    r"""Implements an Objective for the potential gradient generated by the trap electrodes

        $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{x} w(x)\left(v_i \frac{\partial^2_L \phi_i (x) - U(x)}{\mu} \right)^2. $$

        $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

        x,y,z (ArrayLike): $x$
            coordinates where to evaluate the potential. Must be broadcastable.
        ion (Ion)
            ion class
        value (ArrayLike): $U(x)$
            target potential
        entries (str, optional) $L$
            index or string selecting the derivative of interest.\
            This needs to be explained better.
        pseudo (bool, optional)
            select if to add the pseudopotential
        local_weights (ArrayLike, optional): $w(x)$
            position-dependent weight. If `None`, all weights are set to 1.
        norm (float, optional): $\mu$
            Charachteristic magnitude of the objective used to normalize the cost.
        weight (float, optional): $w$
            global weight of the cost term.
        constraint_type (str, optional):
            constraint string.

    super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
    self.trap = trap
    self.xyz = x, y, z
    self.ion = ion
    self.value = value
    self.pseudo = pseudo
    self.norm = norm
    self.entries = entries


Bases: ABC

Objective A building block of the cost function. CLasses inheriting from Objective can be used to generate specific terms of the cost function to be optimized, or to implement constraints on the optimization variables.

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
class Objective(ABC):
    A building block of the cost function.
    CLasses inheriting from `Objective` can be used to generate specific terms of the
    cost function to be optimized, or to implement constraints on the optimization

    weight = 1.0
    constraint_type = None

    def __init__(self, var: cx.Variable, weight: float = 1.0, constraint_type: Optional[str] = None):
        """Initialize abstract Objective class.
            The `constraint_type` attribute defines wether the class will be used
            as cost term or a constraint. If `None`, no constraint is implemented
            and the Objective is used to generate a term of the cost function.
            Otherwise, it must be one of
            `['<', '<=', '==', '>=', '>', 'lt','le', 'eq', 'ge', 'gt']`
            and will implement the corresponding constraint on the optimization variables.

            weight (float, optional): global weight of the cost term.
            constraint_type (str, optional): a string defining the constraint type.
        self.var = var
        self.weight = weight
        self.constraint_type = constraint_type

    def objective(self):
        """override this method to implement a cost objective

            trap (AbstractTrapModel): trap model
            voltages (cx.Variable): optimization variables

    def constraint(self):
        """override this method to implement a constraint

            trap (AbstractTrapModel): trap model
            voltages (cx.Variable): optimization variables

    def _make_constraint(self, lhs, rhs):
            return _constraint_operator_map[self.constraint_type](lhs, rhs)
        except KeyError as e:
            raise KeyError(f"Wrong constraint type defined: {self.constraint_type}") from e

__init__(var, weight=1.0, constraint_type=None)

Initialize abstract Objective class. The constraint_type attribute defines wether the class will be used as cost term or a constraint. If None, no constraint is implemented and the Objective is used to generate a term of the cost function. Otherwise, it must be one of ['<', '<=', '==', '>=', '>', 'lt','le', 'eq', 'ge', 'gt'] and will implement the corresponding constraint on the optimization variables.

  • weight (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    global weight of the cost term.

  • constraint_type (str, default: None ) –

    a string defining the constraint type.

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def __init__(self, var: cx.Variable, weight: float = 1.0, constraint_type: Optional[str] = None):
    """Initialize abstract Objective class.
        The `constraint_type` attribute defines wether the class will be used
        as cost term or a constraint. If `None`, no constraint is implemented
        and the Objective is used to generate a term of the cost function.
        Otherwise, it must be one of
        `['<', '<=', '==', '>=', '>', 'lt','le', 'eq', 'ge', 'gt']`
        and will implement the corresponding constraint on the optimization variables.

        weight (float, optional): global weight of the cost term.
        constraint_type (str, optional): a string defining the constraint type.
    self.var = var
    self.weight = weight
    self.constraint_type = constraint_type

constraint() abstractmethod

override this method to implement a constraint

  • trap (AbstractTrapModel) –

    trap model

  • voltages (Variable) –

    optimization variables

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def constraint(self):
    """override this method to implement a constraint

        trap (AbstractTrapModel): trap model
        voltages (cx.Variable): optimization variables

objective() abstractmethod

override this method to implement a cost objective

  • trap (AbstractTrapModel) –

    trap model

  • voltages (Variable) –

    optimization variables

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def objective(self):
    """override this method to implement a cost objective

        trap (AbstractTrapModel): trap model
        voltages (cx.Variable): optimization variables


Bases: Objective

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
class PotentialObjective(Objective):
    def __init__(
        var: cx.Variable,
        trap: AbstractTrapModel,
        x: ArrayLike,
        y: ArrayLike,
        z: ArrayLike,
        ion: Ion,
        value: ArrayLike,
        pseudo: bool = True,
        local_weights: ArrayLike = None,
        norm: float = 1.0,
        weight: float = 1.0,
        constraint_type: Optional[str] = None,
        r"""Implements an Objective for the potential generated by the trap electrodes

            $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{x} w(x)\left(v_i \frac{\phi_i (x) - U(x)}{\mu} \right)^2. $$

            $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

            x, y, z (ArrayLike): $x$
                coordinates where to evaluate the potential. Must be broadcastable.
            ion (Ion)
                ion class
            value (ArrayLike): $U(x)$
                target potential
            pseudo (bool, optional)
                select if to add the pseudopotential
            local_weights (ArrayLike, optional): $w(x)$
                position-dependent weight. If `None`, all weights are set to 1.
            norm (float, optional): $\mu$
                Charachteristic magnitude of the objective used to normalize the cost.
            weight (float, optional): $w$
                global weight of the cost term.
            constraint_type (str, optional):
                constraint string.

        super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
        self.trap = trap
        self.xyz = x, y, z
        self.ion = ion
        self.value = value
        self.pseudo = pseudo
        self.norm = norm
        self.local_weights = local_weights

    def objective(self):
        pot = self.var @ self.trap.dc_potentials(*self.xyz)
        if self.pseudo:
            pot += self.trap.pseudo_potential(*self.xyz, self.ion.mass_amu)
        diff = (pot - self.value) / self.norm
        if self.local_weights is not None:
            diff = cx.multiply(np.sqrt(self.local_weights), diff)
        cost = cx.multiply(self.weight, cx.sum_squares(diff))
        return cost

    def constraint(self):
        pot = self.var @ self.trap.dc_potentials(*self.xyz)
        if self.pseudo:
            pot += self.trap.pseudo_potential(*self.xyz, self.ion.mass_amu)
        return self._make_constraint(pot, self.value)

__init__(var, trap, x, y, z, ion, value, *, pseudo=True, local_weights=None, norm=1.0, weight=1.0, constraint_type=None)

Implements an Objective for the potential generated by the trap electrodes

Cost $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{x} w(x)\left(v_i \frac{\phi_i (x) - U(x)}{\mu} \right)^2. $$

Constraint $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

  • x, (y, z (ArrayLike) –

    \(x\) coordinates where to evaluate the potential. Must be broadcastable.

  • value (ArrayLike) –

    \(U(x)\) target potential

  • local_weights (ArrayLike, default: None ) –

    \(w(x)\) position-dependent weight. If None, all weights are set to 1.

  • norm (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    \(\mu\) Charachteristic magnitude of the objective used to normalize the cost.

  • weight (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    \(w\) global weight of the cost term.

  • constraint_type (str, default: None ) –

    constraint string.

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def __init__(
    var: cx.Variable,
    trap: AbstractTrapModel,
    x: ArrayLike,
    y: ArrayLike,
    z: ArrayLike,
    ion: Ion,
    value: ArrayLike,
    pseudo: bool = True,
    local_weights: ArrayLike = None,
    norm: float = 1.0,
    weight: float = 1.0,
    constraint_type: Optional[str] = None,
    r"""Implements an Objective for the potential generated by the trap electrodes

        $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{x} w(x)\left(v_i \frac{\phi_i (x) - U(x)}{\mu} \right)^2. $$

        $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

        x, y, z (ArrayLike): $x$
            coordinates where to evaluate the potential. Must be broadcastable.
        ion (Ion)
            ion class
        value (ArrayLike): $U(x)$
            target potential
        pseudo (bool, optional)
            select if to add the pseudopotential
        local_weights (ArrayLike, optional): $w(x)$
            position-dependent weight. If `None`, all weights are set to 1.
        norm (float, optional): $\mu$
            Charachteristic magnitude of the objective used to normalize the cost.
        weight (float, optional): $w$
            global weight of the cost term.
        constraint_type (str, optional):
            constraint string.

    super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
    self.trap = trap
    self.xyz = x, y, z
    self.ion = ion
    self.value = value
    self.pseudo = pseudo
    self.norm = norm
    self.local_weights = local_weights



Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def constraint(self):
    pot = self.var @ self.trap.dc_potentials(*self.xyz)
    if self.pseudo:
        pot += self.trap.pseudo_potential(*self.xyz, self.ion.mass_amu)
    return self._make_constraint(pot, self.value)



Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def objective(self):
    pot = self.var @ self.trap.dc_potentials(*self.xyz)
    if self.pseudo:
        pot += self.trap.pseudo_potential(*self.xyz, self.ion.mass_amu)
    diff = (pot - self.value) / self.norm
    if self.local_weights is not None:
        diff = cx.multiply(np.sqrt(self.local_weights), diff)
    cost = cx.multiply(self.weight, cx.sum_squares(diff))
    return cost


Bases: Objective

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
class SlewRateObjective(Objective):
    def __init__(self, var: cx.Variable, dt: float, *, value=0, norm=1e6, weight=1.0, constraint_type=None):
        r"""Implements a cost penalizing the time derivative of the waveform.
            As such, it must be used as a global objective.
            $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{ji}\left( M_{jt} v_{ti} \right)^2, $$

        where $M_{ij}$ implements the second-order accurate finite difference
            $$ M_{ij}v_j = \frac{ v\_{i + 1} - v\_{i - 1} }{ 2 } $$

        (see e.g. `np.gradient`).

        No constraint is implemented.

            weight (float, optional): $w$
                global weight of the cost term.
        super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
        self.dt = dt
        self.value = value
        self.norm = norm

    def objective(self):
        voltages = self.var
        if len(voltages.shape) < 2:
            raise ValueError(f"Not a global objective: wrong waveform shape ({voltages.shape})")
        n_samples = voltages.shape[0]
        M = diff_matrix(n_samples)
        norm_inf = cx.multiply(cx.norm(M @ voltages, "inf"), 1 / self.dt)
        diff = cx.multiply(norm_inf, 1 / self.norm)
        cost = cx.multiply(self.weight, diff)
        return cost

    def constraint(self):
        voltages = self.var
        n_samples = voltages.shape[0]
        M = diff_matrix(n_samples)
        norm_inf = cx.multiply(cx.norm(M @ voltages, "inf"), 1 / self.dt)
        return self._make_constraint(norm_inf, self.value)

__init__(var, dt, *, value=0, norm=1000000.0, weight=1.0, constraint_type=None)

Implements a cost penalizing the time derivative of the waveform. As such, it must be used as a global objective. Cost $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{ji}\left( M_{jt} v_{ti} \right)^2, $$

where \(M_{ij}\) implements the second-order accurate finite difference $$ M_{ij}v_j = \frac{ v_{i + 1} - v_{i - 1} }{ 2 } $$

(see e.g. np.gradient).

No constraint is implemented.

  • weight (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    \(w\) global weight of the cost term.

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def __init__(self, var: cx.Variable, dt: float, *, value=0, norm=1e6, weight=1.0, constraint_type=None):
    r"""Implements a cost penalizing the time derivative of the waveform.
        As such, it must be used as a global objective.
        $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{ji}\left( M_{jt} v_{ti} \right)^2, $$

    where $M_{ij}$ implements the second-order accurate finite difference
        $$ M_{ij}v_j = \frac{ v\_{i + 1} - v\_{i - 1} }{ 2 } $$

    (see e.g. `np.gradient`).

    No constraint is implemented.

        weight (float, optional): $w$
            global weight of the cost term.
    super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
    self.dt = dt
    self.value = value
    self.norm = norm



Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def objective(self):
    voltages = self.var
    if len(voltages.shape) < 2:
        raise ValueError(f"Not a global objective: wrong waveform shape ({voltages.shape})")
    n_samples = voltages.shape[0]
    M = diff_matrix(n_samples)
    norm_inf = cx.multiply(cx.norm(M @ voltages, "inf"), 1 / self.dt)
    diff = cx.multiply(norm_inf, 1 / self.norm)
    cost = cx.multiply(self.weight, diff)
    return cost


Bases: Objective

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
class VariableObjective(Objective):
    def __init__(
        var: cx.Variable,
        value: Union[ArrayLike, Literal["minimize", "maximize"]],
        weight: float = 1.0,
        constraint_type: Optional[str] = None,
        r"""Implements an Objective for a generic optimization variable

            if value has a numerical value $v$:
                $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \left( v - x \right)^2. $$
            if value == 'minimize':
                $$ \mathcal{C} = v. $$
            if value == 'maximize':
                $$ \mathcal{C} = -v. $$

            $$ v \leq x. $$

            value (ArrayLike) or str: $x$
                target value, or one of 'minimize' or 'maximize'
            weight (float, optional): $w$
                global weight of the cost term.
            constraint_type (str, optional):
                constraint string.

        super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
        self.value = value

    def objective(self):
        if self.value == "minimize":
            cost = cx.sum(self.var)
        elif self.value == "maximize":
            cost = -cx.sum(self.var)
            cost = cx.sum_squares(self.var - self.value)
        cost = cx.multiply(self.weight, cost)
        return cost

    def constraint(self):
        return self._make_constraint(self.var, self.value)

__init__(var, value, weight=1.0, constraint_type=None)

Implements an Objective for a generic optimization variable

Cost if value has a numerical value \(v\): $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \left( v - x \right)^2. $$ if value == 'minimize': $$ \mathcal{C} = v. $$ if value == 'maximize': $$ \mathcal{C} = -v. $$

Constraint $$ v \leq x. $$

  • value (ArrayLike) or str) –

    \(x\) target value, or one of 'minimize' or 'maximize'

  • weight (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    \(w\) global weight of the cost term.

  • constraint_type (str, default: None ) –

    constraint string.

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def __init__(
    var: cx.Variable,
    value: Union[ArrayLike, Literal["minimize", "maximize"]],
    weight: float = 1.0,
    constraint_type: Optional[str] = None,
    r"""Implements an Objective for a generic optimization variable

        if value has a numerical value $v$:
            $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \left( v - x \right)^2. $$
        if value == 'minimize':
            $$ \mathcal{C} = v. $$
        if value == 'maximize':
            $$ \mathcal{C} = -v. $$

        $$ v \leq x. $$

        value (ArrayLike) or str: $x$
            target value, or one of 'minimize' or 'maximize'
        weight (float, optional): $w$
            global weight of the cost term.
        constraint_type (str, optional):
            constraint string.

    super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
    self.value = value


Bases: Objective

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
class VoltageObjective(Objective):
    def __init__(
        var: cx.Variable,
        value: ArrayLike,
        electrodes: Optional[ElectrodeNames] = None,
        trap: Optional[AbstractTrapModel] = None,
        local_weights: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
        weight: float = 1.0,
        constraint_type: Optional[str] = None,
        r"""Implements an Objective for the voltages applied to the trap electrodes

            $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{i \in \mathcal{E}} w_i\left( v_i - x_i \right)^2. $$

            $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

            value (ArrayLike): $x_i$
                target voltage for the selected set of electrodes
            electrodes (string, or list of strings, optional): $\mathcal{E}$
                specify a subset of the trap electrodes. If `None`, uses all electrodes.
            local_weights (ArrayLike, optional): $w_i$
                per-electrode weight. If `None`, all weights are set to 1.
            weight (float, optional): $w$
                global weight of the cost term.
            constraint_type (str, optional):
                constraint string.

        super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
        self.value = value
        self.electrodes = electrodes
        if electrodes is not None:
            if trap is None:
                raise ValueError("A `trap` argument is required together with `electrodes`")
            self._index = get_electrode_index(electrodes, trap, var.ndim)
            self._index = slice(None)
        self.local_weights = local_weights

    def objective(self):
        voltages = self.var[self._index]
        diff = voltages - self.value
        if self.local_weights is not None:
            diff = cx.multiply(np.sqrt(self.local_weights), diff)
        cost = cx.multiply(self.weight, cx.sum_squares(diff))
        return cost

    def constraint(self):
        voltages = self.var[self._index]
        return self._make_constraint(voltages, self.value)

__init__(var, value, *, electrodes=None, trap=None, local_weights=None, weight=1.0, constraint_type=None)

Implements an Objective for the voltages applied to the trap electrodes

Cost $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{i \in \mathcal{E}} w_i\left( v_i - x_i \right)^2. $$

Constraint $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

  • value (ArrayLike) –

    \(x_i\) target voltage for the selected set of electrodes

  • electrodes (string, or list of strings, default: None ) –

    \(\mathcal{E}\) specify a subset of the trap electrodes. If None, uses all electrodes.

  • local_weights (ArrayLike, default: None ) –

    \(w_i\) per-electrode weight. If None, all weights are set to 1.

  • weight (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    \(w\) global weight of the cost term.

  • constraint_type (str, default: None ) –

    constraint string.

Source code in pytrans/objectives.py
def __init__(
    var: cx.Variable,
    value: ArrayLike,
    electrodes: Optional[ElectrodeNames] = None,
    trap: Optional[AbstractTrapModel] = None,
    local_weights: Optional[ArrayLike] = None,
    weight: float = 1.0,
    constraint_type: Optional[str] = None,
    r"""Implements an Objective for the voltages applied to the trap electrodes

        $$ \mathcal{C} = w\, \sum_{i \in \mathcal{E}} w_i\left( v_i - x_i \right)^2. $$

        $$ v_i \leq x_i \quad \forall i \in \mathcal{E}. $$

        value (ArrayLike): $x_i$
            target voltage for the selected set of electrodes
        electrodes (string, or list of strings, optional): $\mathcal{E}$
            specify a subset of the trap electrodes. If `None`, uses all electrodes.
        local_weights (ArrayLike, optional): $w_i$
            per-electrode weight. If `None`, all weights are set to 1.
        weight (float, optional): $w$
            global weight of the cost term.
        constraint_type (str, optional):
            constraint string.

    super().__init__(var, weight, constraint_type)
    self.value = value
    self.electrodes = electrodes
    if electrodes is not None:
        if trap is None:
            raise ValueError("A `trap` argument is required together with `electrodes`")
        self._index = get_electrode_index(electrodes, trap, var.ndim)
        self._index = slice(None)
    self.local_weights = local_weights